Tag: baking

  • Baking bread in the instant pot

    Baking bread in the instant pot

    When our oven was broken for seemingly forever, I bought an Instant Pot to pick up the slack. We lost our pressure cooker in the fire in the utility room a couple of years ago and still hadn’t replaced it. The Instant Pot not only has a pressure cooker but can also bake, boil, air…

  • Old dog, new tricks

    Old dog, new tricks

    Lately I’ve been thinking about how we’re on this earth for so short a time and we should make the most of it. Learn and do as much as you can while you still can. I’ve really embraced this philosophy over the past year and have ticked three things off my list that I’ve wanted…

  • Home-grown and a Rocket update

    Home-grown and a Rocket update

    This is my lunch most days. It consists of my home-made sourdough which I bake several times a week now. As well as avocado, beetroot, tofu and today I have home-grown radish and rocket. Not much grows at this time of year but radishes and salad greens do. I’ve also had a constant supply of…

  • Knitting, baking, and ants

    Knitting, baking, and ants

    I’m turning into an old woman as I spent last weekend knitting, baking, and gardening. I took up knitting in the new year and have barely put the needles down. Oh knitting, where have you been all my life? I always thought knitting was too hard and so stuck with what I knew which is…

  • Sourdough bread, Discord, and the electric car

    Sourdough bread, Discord, and the electric car

    I finally made a loaf of sourdough bread that looks and tastes like sourdough bread. Most of my efforts recently have failed and ended up more like bricks than loaves of bread. But this one is almost perfect. It’s quite satisfying after many many failures to have one turn out more or less normal. The…

  • Bandit Bakery

    Bandit Bakery

    I discovered recently that the baker who used to make the sourdough for Foodstory Café – Pete Leonard – left to open his own bakery – Bandit Bakery. A few weeks ago I went to check it out. The bakery opened at 10am and I got there at about 11:15am. They were completely sold out…

  • Doing nothing

    Doing nothing

    I’m not very good at doing nothing. All my life I’ve dashed around in a frantic state of constant busy-ness. Work fills the weekdays, kid stuff the evenings, and weekends we ferry kids around to activities or go exploring in the highlands. Since the start of the lockdown, our weekends have changed and I’ve been…

  • I did it! I did it!

    I did it! I did it!

    I made sourdough. Yes, it’s a funny shape but it tastes delicious and now that I have my own working starter there’s no going back. I followed a recipe from Rachel Mulligan’s Ferment book. The starter took 5 days to make and this loaf another day but most of that was it just sitting in…

  • A little bit hyper

    A little bit hyper

    I had a great day yesterday and got so much done. My employer gives us all our birthdays off work and I wanted to make the most of it so I baked scones, made another batch of courgette chutney, made the no-bake walnut oatmeal cookies from Dr Gregor’s book, did some crochet, I vacuumed the…

  • What to do with a glut of courgettes?

    What to do with a glut of courgettes?

    It has been a day of cooking. It’s that time of year when my allotment is producing way more courgettes (zucchinis) than we can eat so I had to take desperate measures. I took the advice of an old friend from Christchurch and made chutney. This is my first attempt and I didn’t make a…

  • Decadent choc marshmallow biscuits

    Decadent choc marshmallow biscuits

    We saw a video online the other day about making your own chocolate marshmallow biscuits and we decided to give it a try today. It’s very easy and requires only digestive biscuits, jam, marshmallows, and chocolate. Take two digestive biscuits.  Spread one biscuit with jam then put some marshmallows on top. Put the other digestive…

  • Vegan scones and cream

    Vegan scones and cream

    The Brits are known for their scones but unless you go to a vegan cafe they’re always packed full of butter and cream. It’s a shame because vegan ones are easy to make and delicious. You can even make the whipped cream without using any cow’s milk. I used coconut cream. Here’s the recipe: 2…

  • Baking, gardening, and baby cyclamen

    Baking, gardening, and baby cyclamen

    I’ve had the day off work today and it has been lovely to just potter around at home. I did some gardening and baking. Ben made hot cross buns this morning, just as he does every Easter. I made scones. Both scones and buns were both delicious! Earlier this year I noticed my cyclamen producing…

  • ‘Tis the season to stuff your face with lots of yummy food

    ‘Tis the season to stuff your face with lots of yummy food

    Every Christmas I make lebkuchen which is German for ginger bread except that it doesn’t contain any ginger. I’m a bit slow making it this year because I’ve been making panforte – I’ve made three batches of it so far and probably eaten most of it myself because the kids don’t like it. I had to…

  • Vegan toothpaste and poo cake (a.k.a choc-mint slice)

    This recipe is too good not to share, is very easy to make and uses ingredients that most of us already have in the pantry. Biscuit base 1/2 cup rice bran oil 3 weetbix 1 tbsp cocoa 1 tsp baking powder 170g flour 85g sugar Peppermint icing 1 cup icing sugar 2 tsp peppermint essence…