A new crochet jumper

I made myself a jumper.

The diagonal lines are deliberate; it wasn’t me stuffing up 🙂 I got the pattern on Etsy and it’s quite an easy one to follow and a relatively quick project.

The daffodils are starting to flower here. Apparently Aberdeen has 11 million daffodils and I can believe it. They’re everywhere. It’s lovely at this time of year.

We’re still not allowed to leave our local authority area which I think is a bit unfair. If we lived in Aberdeenshire, which is the orange area on the map below, we’d be able to go from Pennan to Braemar, a distance of 83miles. But we live in Aberdeen City which is the tiny uncoloured bit by the sea.

The virus spreads through contact with other people. A family group on their own going for a walk in the woods or the hills needn’t see anyone. We would even take an electric car and avoid the need to visit a petrol station. It’ll probably be at least another month before they let us out to play.





4 responses to “A new crochet jumper”

  1. Katrina Avatar

    Nice jersey! I didn’t know that crochet could be so varied. As we’re heading through Autumn, I’m jealous that you’re now in Spring. Our time will come again, but no one (much) looks forward to winter, even though the revolution of seasons is just a fact of life. And it does gives us variety in our lives.

    1. Rachel M Avatar

      I’m one of those strange people who looks forward to winter. I like the cold and the promise of snow. I also like Christmas and winter coincides wtih Christmas and New Year over here so that makes it a bit exciting.

  2. Over Soil Avatar

    Well done with the jumper.

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