Creating Minecraft mods: setting up the environment

Note: I’ve created a two YouTube videos showing how to do this – part 1 & part 2.

Yesterday I posted a guide for installing Minecraft mods on a Mac. The logical next step to this is is creating your own mods. This is not quite as easy as installing them – you will need to know how to program in Java and there are a number of steps required just to set up the environment. This guide will show you how to set up the environment on your Mac. In this tutorial I’m using macOS High Sierra.

  1. Download and install Eclipse
    This is the tool you’ll use to create your mods. It’s an integrated development environment (IDE) written in Java and primarily used to develop Java applications.

  1. Download and install the latest Java SDK (software development kit)

  2. Download the Forge Mdk (mod development kit) from

  1. Create a new folder in your home directory called moddev (You can call it something else, if you prefer). Unzip the mdk you downloaded in step 3 and copy build.gradle, gradlew.bat, gradlew, gradle to the moddev folder.

  2. Open terminal and navigate to the newly created folder with those four files in it. Then type:
    ./gradlew setupDecompWorkspace

This will take 5-10 minutes.

  1. Now run ./gradlew eclipse to set up Eclipse.

You’re ready to start creating your first mod! Forge have an example mod which you will have downloaded with the mdk in step 3. You’ll find it in the /src/main/java/com/example/examplemod directory. Copy the file into your new moddev directory and open it in Eclipse to have a look.





8 responses to “Creating Minecraft mods: setting up the environment”

  1. Amit Kumar Thakur Avatar

    I want to know about it in detail

  2. Clayton Sulby Avatar
    Clayton Sulby

    Hi I’m having trouble with Task :recompileMc FAILED and I’m running gradle 4.7 and JDK 10.0.1. Let me know if you could give me some advice and I can followup with the stacktrace

    1. Rachel M Avatar

      Use the gradle version that’s included in the forge download. It’s currently version 2.14

  3. Howdy? Avatar

    “Could not determine java version from ‘12.0.1’.”
    Help please

  4. Connor Rydel Avatar
    Connor Rydel

    When I run the ./gradlew setupDecompWorkspace it leaves me with a “BUILD FAILED” and it says: Task ‘setupDecompWorkspace’ not found in root project ‘forge’.
    Anything you can tell me would help

  5. Connor Rydel Avatar
    Connor Rydel

    I have also noticed that my forge folder when downloaded does not have an eclipse folder

    1. Graham Lukas Avatar
      Graham Lukas

      I encountered this same situation.

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