Elizabeth dancing the Blue Bonnets.

Grandad visiting, end of school, and allotmenting

There’s lots happening at the moment but the big news is grandad is visiting which is fantastic. Daniel is keen to catch up to grandad’s height and he’s getting close! Daniel is still growing and grew almost 1cm just in the last month so he may yet make it.

Grandad and Daniel standing next to each other. Daniel is about 5cm shorter still.

Yesterday was the last day of school for the children and students in the high school were invited to perform for the final assembly. Elizabeth volunteered to dance and she did the Blue Bonnets. I asked her whether she felt nervous before dancing in front of the entire high school assembly and she said a little bit but not as much as when dancing in competitions.

Elizabeth on stage waiting to start her dance.
Elizabeth mid-way through the dance.

Both the kids did exceptionally well on their school reports but the big news is Elizabeth got the highest score in maths for the final year exam. This is a girl who told us just a year ago that she wasn’t good at maths. We fought with her about that and she’s finally starting to realise that she is good at it. I think it’s a confidence thing. It’s the boys in her class who usually get the top scores so it’s nice to see a bit of girl power here. Next week is her big highland dance school show which they put on once every two years so we’re all really excited about it but Elizabeth will be very busy with rehearsals until then.

Aside from all the family happenings I’ve been trying to get to the allotments as much as possible to controls the weeds. Indeed I’ve managed to rope Ben into it a couple of times and we’ve got things under control.

My gooseberry bushes are full of fruit which I used to make gooseberry fool a couple of times. Next will be the blackcurrants and blueberries which have lots of fruit ripening. I’m battling with the slugs a bit unfortunately and my kale seedlings are struggling to survive. I put some beer traps out yesterday so I’m now crossing my fingers and toes that’ll do the trick.


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